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Fraud in Government Contracting: Iraq and Beyond

The George Washington University Inn, Washington, DC

Brian Hill* will Co-Chair this event and speak on the panel "False Claims Act and Iraq Reconstruction Contracting."

  • Is there a coming wave of False Claims Act lawsuits involving contracts in Iraq?
  • Does the False Claims Act apply if no U.S. Taxpayer money is involved?
  • Is “presentment” of a false claim to a U.S. Government employee always required under the False Claims Act?
  • What are the Supreme Court and Congress likely to say about all this?

Andrew Wise will speak on the panel "Criminal Enforcement in fraud prosecutions."

  • How far do U.S. criminal statutes extend?
  • Who is subject to extradition?
  • How will the Department of Justice procure evidence from foreign sources?
  • How feasible are Iraqi fraud prosecutions in U.S.?
  • What are the ex post facto issues in fraud prosecutions?

James Tillen will speak on the panel "The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and Iraq Reconstruction Contracting."

  • Is the FCPA relevant to contracting with the United States?
  • Who is a “foreign official” in Iraqi contracting?
  • How does the FCPA apply to contracts with non-governmental organizations in Iraq and other locations?

*Former Miller & Chevalier attorney