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IBA Annual Conference Paris 2023

Paris, France

Nate Lankford, Homer Moyer, Loren Ponds,* and Ann Sultan will speak at the IBA Annual Conference October 30 - November 3, 2023, in Paris, France.

On October 30, Ponds will present, as part of a panel, "How Do the OECD and the UN Address International Tax Issues (Past, Present and Future)?" This panel will focus on where the OECD and the UN currently stand on the more relevant international tax issues, what is driving their course of action and whether it should be adjusted, and what to expect for the future.

Sultan will co-moderate the Business Human Rights Committee breakfast on October 31. This meeting of the Business Human Rights and Anti-Corruption Committees will discuss matters of interest and future activities, as well as to provide updates on the activities of both Committees.

On November 2, Lankford will present, "A Force To Be Reckoned With: New Legal and Political Developments Making Forced Labor a Key Risk Across Industries and Regions." This panel discussion will explore how increased enforcement of anti-forced labor laws, the emergence of new supply chain transparency, due diligence and trade laws, and heightened inquiries from customers and other business partners, are making anti-forced labor compliance a priority for a broad range of companies. Panelists will examine recent enforcement trends, the role played by investors, banks, NGOs, regulatory authorities, and other stakeholders. The discussion will also cover the recent amendments to the OECD Guidelines for multinational enterprises on responsible business conduct, with a particular focus on their impact on the prevention of human trafficking and forced labor risks.

Moyer will provide opening remarks at the all day Rule of Law Symposium on November 3. The Rule of Law Symposium will consist of three sessions: Accountability and Justice, Does the Rule of Law Apply to Sanctions, and Assessing the Impact of the Judicial Appointments Process in Undermining the Rule of Law.

*Former Miller & Chevalier attorney