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International Bar Association 2024 Annual Conference

Mexico City, Mexico

Alejandra Montenegro Almonte, Matteson Ellis, Margarita Sánchez, and Ann Sultan will speak at the International Bar Association (IBA) 2024 Annual Conference in Mexico City on September 15-20, 2024. 

Margarita Sánchez will present, as a part of a panel, "Social Justice Demands It's Time to Slap SLAPP!" on September 16, 2024. Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation (SLAPP) has sought to silence marginalized groups through the use of the legal system to restrict the voices of vulnerable persons. Sánchez's panel will explore how the legal profession can support the rule of law when responding to SLAPPs. 

Matteson Ellis will co-present at the Business Human Rights Committee breakfast, sponsored by the IBA Anti-Corruption Committee, on September 17, 2024. Ellis will discuss the increasing connectivity between human rights, anti-corruption, the environment, and other legal practice areas.

Ann Sultan will present, as a part of a panel, "Workplace and Employment Offenses" on September 18, 2024. Sultan will discuss the most common (and not so common) offenses in the workplace and the criminal liability that may arise from them.

Alejandra Montenegro Almonte will co-chair "Financial Fraud Enforcement and Related Best Practices" on September 19, 2024. Hosted by the IBA Anti-Corruption Committee, the session will focus on the significant threats financial fraud poses to the stability and transparency of economies worldwide. The panel will discuss the changing landscape of financial fraud, the latest strategies deployed to prevent, detect, and prosecute fraudulent activities, and compliance best practices.