Practising Law Institute's (PLI's) Global Capital Markets & the U.S. Securities Laws 2020 Program
Paul Leder will speak at the Practising Law Institute's (PLI's) Global Capital Markets & the U.S. Securities Laws 2020 webcast on April 17, 2020. Leder will present, "Global Capital Markets Perspectives in 2020," which will discuss:
- The state of capital markets in a global environment
- The SEC's international regulatory agenda
- Regulatory coordination and cooperation around the world
- Areas of focus for issuers raising capital in global markets
- Current trends in foreign offerings in the United States
Leder will also present, "Enforcement Developments in Global Capital Offerings." Topic covered during this session will include:
- Liability risk considerations in global offerings
- International convergence and enforcement
- Global FCPA developments
- Managing regulatory actions in a global environment
- Best practices in cross-border investigations