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Alan Horowitz Quoted Regarding Quality Stores in Summary of 2014 Tax Litigation in Law360

"2014 Federal Tax Litigation in Review"


Alan Horowitz was quoted regarding U.S. v. Quality Stores Inc. in a wrap-up of the major tax litigation that ended in 2014. The U.S. Supreme Court backed a long-standing Internal Revenue Service (IRS) policy earlier in the year when it ruled that severance payments are subject to Federal Insurance Contributions Act taxes. Although the ruling was a loss for employers and employees alike, Horowitz said it does lend some certainty to multistate employers who had grappled with a split between the Sixth and Federal Circuits. "You had nationwide employers who were subject to different rules in different states, and they needed to manage their payroll in a way that was efficient. Even though they'll be subject to the tax, they're better off than they were through the uncertainty that persisted," he said.