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Marc Gerson Comments on Tax Reform Prospects in The Wall Street Journal's CFO Report

"Businesses Sour on Chances for New Tax Legislation"

The Wall Street Journal's CFO Report

Marc Gerson commented on the prospects for a major corporate tax overhaul in The Wall Street Journal's CFO Report. In light of changing congressional leadership, other White House priorities and upcoming midterm elections, not one respondent recently polled expect major changes to tax legislation this year. "Tax reform is complex and difficult even under the best political environments," Gerson said. Congress "was marching forward, but the change in leadership is kind of a step back in the process." Historically, tax reform "really has to be a priority of the administration," Gerson said, noting that President Barack Obama's most recent State of the Union address made only a handful of references to tax legislation. This eighth annual Tax Policy Forecast Survey, which measures the current perspectives of leading business tax executives on the tax legislative agenda, was issued by Miller & Chevalier in partnership with the National Foreign Trade Council (NFTC).