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Marc Gerson Quoted on Feedback Requested by Congress on Tax Reform in InvestmentNews

"Want to change tax policy? Two powerful senators want to hear from you"


Marc Gerson was quoted in regard to a recent call for taxpayer feedback from two senators who will be instrumental in the future of tax reform. Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, and Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., ranking member on the panel, have asked the public to provide feedback by April 15 about how to overhaul the tax code. According to Gerson, "This is a golden opportunity for taxpayers interested in tax reform. The working group process, the hearings and all the taxpayer comments will really influence and frame what a future Senate Finance Committee tax-reform package looks like." The committee appears to be seeking specific feedback, "More important than being concise is being thoughtful from a policy and technical perspective," he said. "Tying the benefits [of a particular tax change] to the economy, to job creation, is very, very important."As to whether tax reform is on the horizon in the near-term, a recently released survey from Miller & Chevalier and the National Foreign Trade Council predicts that it will arrive in 2017. "It's not a question of 'if,' it's a question of 'when," Gerson said.