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Marc Gerson Quoted Regarding Implications of GOP Senate Takeover in InvestmentNews

"GOP takeover of Senate could make fate of investment adviser issues unclear"


Marc Gerson was quoted regarding the potential implications of a GOP Senate takeover following the upcoming midterm elections. Some experts predict that Republicans will capture a majority in the Senate, and with control of both chambers, have an easier path to passing bills. "You'll see more activity," Gerson said. "The question is: Is the activity for political purposes and messaging or is it legitimate legislative activity that leads to enacted law?" While the likelihood of increased activity could be high, many feel that the prospects for actual overhaul of the tax code are limited, due to predicted tensions between a GOP Congress and the White House. For tax reform to take off, President Obama will have to weigh in more forcefully than he has in the past, Gerson said. "The administration hasn't really made it a priority. Should Congress spend resources on tax reform over the next two years, if the administration doesn't engage?"