Miller & Chevalier's Pro Bono Representation of Hyacinth's Place Featured in the DC Bar Pro Center's Annual Report
"2016-2017 Annual Report"
DC Bar
Miller & Chevalier lawyers James Warren, Andrew Howlett, and Sean Morrison* represent Hyacinth's Place, a nonprofit organization that provides housing and therapeutic services to formerly homeless women with a mental health diagnosis, in a pro bono matter coordinated by the DC Bar Pro Bono Center and the firm's Pro Bono Counsel Kathleen Wach. In 2015, the nonprofit was in danger of being sold at a tax foreclosure sale due to a technical error in the organization's property tax-exemption application. Warren, Howlett, and Morrison worked to secure the nonprofit's tax exemption, which included finding a technical fix to the application and persuading the DC Office of Tax and Revenue to keep the application open. An amended application was granted in 2017, eliminating almost all of Hyacinth's Place's outstanding property taxes. "Miller & Chevalier saved this nonprofit organization," said Urla Barrow, Executive Director of Hyacinth's Place. "Small nonprofits like mine are in desperate need of legal advocacy, but cannot afford to pay for full representation. I would like to thank the DC Bar Pro Bono Center and Miller & Chevalier. Through their generosity and hard work for the public good, Hyacinth's Place will continue providing a home and services to women wishing to come in from the cold. It has allowed us to continue our work to de-stigmatize mental illness and save lives." Miller & Chevalier has continued its pro bono work on behalf of the nonprofit and is working with the DC City Council to remove the small fraction of the initial assessment that remains. "It has been wonderful to apply our firm's talents to such a good cause," Morrison said. "We are really honored to have had the opportunity to play a supportive role in the mission of Hyacinth's Place, through our legal advocacy."
*Former Miller & Chevalier attorney